Nairobi, July 13: The head of the main rebel group in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has officially announced the end of his movement's five-year war against the Kinshasa-based government, the rebel group said yesterday. But a unilateral move by the rebel Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) creating three military zones in the area it controls has sparked fears of a possible putsch.

Addressing a gathering of some 15,000 people in the eastern city of Goma, the RCD's headquarters, Azarias Ruberwa vowed to "work in a peaceful manner for the success of the transition in the DRC and to respect all the accords signed in line with the peace process," a rebel official in the city, crispin Kabasele Tshimanga, told a news agency by telephone. The rally had been called to allow Ruberwa to "say goodbye to the people" of Goma, which lies on the Rwandan border, before leaving for Kinshasa on Tuesday to be sworn in as one of four vice presidents in an interim government.

Kabasele, who is one of the rebels' delegates to the country's new senate, said other senior RCD officials would travel to the capital on Sunday.

According to Kabasele, Rubwera said their departure "consecrated the return of peace in DRC (because) the RCD as a political party, will participate in the management of public affairs." As from Saturday, RCD forces "were part of the new national army," Kabasele quoted Ruberwa as saying at the rally.

Bureau Report