Yangon, Sept 19: Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was due to undergo surgery today at a private Yangon Hospital, diplomatic and other sources in the military-ruled state said. The sources clarified earlier reports that the country's democracy icon had been admitted to the capital's Asia royal hospital late Wednesday and operated yesterday, explaining there had been a "misunderstanding" and the operation would actually take place today. "She will have the operation today (Friday). Yesterday was just a check of her heart condition, and today she will have the operation," an Asian diplomat told a news agency. The diplomat said he and others had been mistakenly told that Aung San Suu Kyi, 58, had undergone a minor operation, reportedly for a uterus condition.

"They thought she had the operation, but it was a misunderstanding. I finally confirmed that she did not have any operation yesterday," the diplomat said.

A second source said he too was confident the gynaecology-related operation would take place today.
"It is rather today," the well-placed Yangon source said.

A doctor at the hospital where Aung San Suu Kyi was admitted told a news agency the operating theatre had been reserved for her today afternoon.
An information blackout regarding the 1991 Nobel peace laureate imposed by the military junta has led to difficulties in confirming details on her condition.

Bureau Report