New Delhi, June 17: Even as India is in talks with Pentagon officials on sending troops to Iraq, government has allowed domestic and foreign companies to hire workers for projects in the war-ravaged country. "We have given permission for it (for sending workers to Iraq)," Labour Minister Sahib Singh Verma said while briefing reporters here on the recent International Labour Organisation meet in Geneva.
Labour Ministry sources explained that only companies and projects could hire workers from India and not individuals.
But the entities wishing to employ workers from India should ensure minimum wages, proper working environment and medical facilities, they said.
Earlier only Indian companies based in Kuwait were allowed to hire workers from India.
But, after consultations with the Ministry of External Affairs, the Labour Ministry had accorded approval for both domestic and foreign companies based in Iraq.
However, for the foreign employers, the permission would have to be obtained from the Indian Embassy at Baghdad, where the antecedents of that firm would be verified before granting the approval.
The minister also said amendments to Immigration Act of 1993 were on the anvil to protect the interests of those who had gone abroad for employment so that they were not harassed or cheated. Bureau Report