Mumbai, Jan 03: The fundamental researchers are now searching for new ideas and facts to understand the nature beyond three dimensional structure through new physics.
With the increasing awareness about the mutual dependence of science of particle physics, string theory and cosmology, the scientists at the week-long international symposium which began here today, said that it was important to identify the forces which are beyond human perception and comprehension. So far the quest has led to domain of sub-atomic particles and "we have a good understanding of the known particles and their interactions in terms of the theoretical framework called standard model," the scientists who have come from all over the world for the symposium, said.

However, the standard model does not corporate one of the forces of nature --gravity, they said adding, "The theoretical hurdle in understanding gravitation is in formulating a consistent quantum theory of gravity needed for an understanding of the early universe or the exotic phenomena like 'black holes'."

The problem with theories like grand unified theories and strong theory is that they are mainly relevant at energies that are beyond our conceivable experimental reach and perhaps the new accelerator Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could throw some light when it is commissioned in 2007, the scientists added.
Bureau Report