New Delhi, Aug 03: India and the United States are set to finalise a hectic year-long schedule of military exercises including holding joint helicopter and fighter manoeuvres even as New Delhi will press Washington for easing curbs on transfer of dual-use and hi-tech systems.
A high level Indian defence delegation led by defence secretary Ajay Prasad and including top officers of three services leaves here tomorrow for Washington to attend the third in a series of joint Defence Policy Group (DPG) meetings to be held on August 6 and 7.
Moves by the US to get a UN mandate for broadbasing the stablisation force in Iraq to encourage countries like India to send troops is also likely to figure in the meeting, which has been advanced on Washington's request as also the venue changed to US soil.
The, DPG meeting, officials here said would be preceded by meeting of the Indo-US security cooperation group and military cooperation group on August 3 and 4, which would finalise the agenda for the meeting. Defence secretary Ajay Prasad along with US under secretary of defence (Policy) Douglas Feith are the two co-chairman of the group. While, the US has given Israel the go ahead for sale of Phalcon airborne air early warning radars to India, New Delhi is still awaiting the nod for the acquisition of US-Israel Arrow Anti-Missile system, which is in the developmental stage, supply of deep submergence rescue vessels, human sensing sensors as well as special light arms for special forces.

Bureau Report