New Delhi, June 20: Nationalist Congress Party today said a party delegation will meet President A P J Abdul Kalam tomorrow to demand a CBI probe into the murder of its senior leader in Raipur early this month. "We will apprise the president of the incident (killing of NCP Chhattisgarh treasurer Ram Avatar Jaggi) and demand a CBI probe," the party's state unit chief V C Shukla said at a press conference here.

He said the party would also demand that the National Human Rights Commission should send a team to the state to find out how people were forcibly prevented from attending an NCP rally at Raipur recently.

Referring to the allegation in the FIR lodged by Jaggi's son that Chief Minister Ajit Jogi and his son were involved in the killing, Shukla rejected the charge that the FIR was filed at the behest of NCP.

"I have no reasons to disbelieve the statement by Jaggi's son," he said adding that the chief minister should immediately hand over the case to CBI.

Describing the state government as "anti-people and corrupt", Shukla said the authorities were resorting to repressive measures to gag the voice of those who protested against the "misrule".

Bureau Report