Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan's blockbuster 'Asoka' depicting famous Kalinga war, continued to draw protests in Orissa, ancient Kalinga, on 'distortion of history', with a group of activists burning effigies of Khan and actress Kareena Kapoor. Activists of Kalinga Sena, a socio-cultural organisation, on Wednesday demonstrated in front of a show house in the city screening the film and burnt effigies of Khan, Kareena Kapoor as well as Juhi Chawla protesting against alleged distortion of history in the film.
The protestors also tore up film posters, but the exhibition of the film continued uninterrupted.
Meanwhile, another socio-cultural organisation, Orissa Mukti Samukhya (OMS) demanded an apology by the producer and director of the film for hurting the sentiments of the Oriya people in the film.
Except using some historical names like Asoka, Kalinga and Karubaki, the film based on the Kalinga war of 261 BC, did not contain an iota of history, joint convener of OMS, Ajeya Rout told newsmen. The people of ancient Kalinga including its princess Karubaki had been shown in bad taste in the film, he said, adding, his organisation would seek legal remedy against distortion of history and culture of the state.
Rout, who along with former state assembly speaker, Yudhisthir Das, had already sent a letter to the Chief Minister urging him to stop exhibition of the film in Orissa, reiterated his demand for banning it.
Bureau Report