Jammu, Aug 29: A Tada court today issued fresh arrest warrants against four accused, including former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Gulam Mohideen Shah, Jamait leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani and JKLF Yasin Malik, in the national flag "dishonouring" case of 1987.
The presiding officer of TADA/POTA court P N Razdan, after issuing warrants against Shah, Malik, Geelani and Hurriyat leader Ghulam Nabi Sunji for non-appearence, sent arrest warrants to DGP, J and K for execution.
Jamait-e-Islami leader Geelani's advocate Mehraj-ud-Din filed an application for his exemption from the personal appearance, on the basis of health grounds.
But Razdan refused to grant exemption and asked the advocate to produce the accused in the court and then seek the remedy of exemption.
The court has declared former Chief Minister G M Shah, who never appeared in the court, an absconder under Section 512 of CRPC.

The other accused, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chief Mohammad Yasin Malik and Sumji, were also not present despite non-bailable warrants against them.

On July 31, the court, while issuing non-bailable warrants after forfeiting the bail bond of the accused, had directed the DGP to initiate inquiry against the concerned police officials who failed to execute warrants issued from time to time to secure their presence.

Bureau Report