Bern, May 02: A private group called "Solidarity with Victims of the War against Iraq" has filed war crimes charges in Switzerland against US President George W Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the public prosecutor's office has said. In a submission, the Geneva-based group said it represented Iraqi nationals whose family members had been victims of acts of war during the invasion carried out by US and British troops.
But the prosecutor's department said yesterday Bush and Blair would be immune from prosecution while in office, even if they entered Swiss territory. In Belgium, an attorney said charges would be filed against General Tommy Franks, commanding coalition forces in Iraq.
He said the charges would be laid on behalf of 19 Iraqis who, he said, had been victims of war crimes during the action, launched on March 20 to topple Saddam Hussein from power. In March, seven Iraqi families filed charges in Belgium against Bush's father, former US President George Bush, for alleged offences during the 1991 Gulf War.
The charges were also directed at Secretary of State Colin Powell, then chairman of the US joint Chiefs of Staff, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Defence Secretary in the administration of Bush senior, and General Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded the US-led operation "Desert Storm" in 1991.
The Swiss public prosecutor's office said it would require further clarification from the "solidarity with victims of the war against Iraq" which had filed charges against Bush and Blair.