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US students say no to IT courses
Washington, Mar 28: Fearing job losses due to outsourcing , undergraduates in the US have begun to abandon their studies in computer technology and engineering, says a new study.
Washington, Mar 28: Fearing job losses due to outsourcing , undergraduates in the US have begun to abandon their studies in computer technology and engineering, says a new study.
Enrolment in the computer-science department at the San Jose State University has fallen by one-third over the past three semesters. Conducted by the Washington-based Computing Research Association, the study will be published in May.
It shows there is a dramatic drop-off in the enrolment of the two subjects - 19 per cent - even as some educators warn about the potential consequences for America's global competitiveness .
It shows there is a dramatic drop-off in the enrolment of the two subjects - 19 per cent - even as some educators warn about the potential consequences for America's global competitiveness .
Enrolment in undergraduate computer-science courses continued to grow after the collapse of the dotcom bubble until the sharp decline in the 2002-03 academic year, according to the study.
Many students are making rational choices, like 22-year-old Vince Ronan of Daly City, a senior majoring in information systems at San Francisco State University, who plans to pursue a master's in business administration after graduating rather than an advanced degree in technology.
Bureau Report