Ankara, Dec 03: A Turkish man is planning to take legal action against the United States for what he sees as his unjustified detention at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, a Turkish newspaper reported today. Yuksel Celikgogus, 33, was held at Guantanamo for two years after he was arrested at the start of the US-led war against the hardline Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

"I went to Afghanistan for religious training and was planning to bring my family over because it was easy to live there, but the war began and I was arrested," Celikgogus was quoted by the mass-circulation 'Hurriyet' as saying.

Celikgogus said he and a Turkish friend were finally released after a "general said they had found us to be innocent".

"I am going to sue the United States for restricting my freedom for two years," he added, but did not elaborate.

Celikgogus also said that he was released on the condition that he does not tell anyone about his experiences in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.

"They (the United States) will come and take me away if I tell what happened at Guantanamo," he said.

Celikgogus also told another newspaper, that there were six other Turkish citizens apart from himself among the 660 people the US military is holding at the naval base, most of them suspected militants of Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network or the former Taliban regime which hosted its bases in Afghanistan. Bureau Report