Ahmedabad, Dec 01: Separate polling booths would be set up for the people of minority community in some riot-affected localities of the city for maintaining peace during the coming assembly elections in Gujarat, a top police official has said. "Under the directives of the election commission, we are taking stock of the situation in riot affected areas and building confidence among the people," city Police Commissioner K R Kaushik said.

The commission members, alongwith some senior officers, who visited the riot-ravaged areas had directed setting up of few new polling booths in the affected areas after reviewing the law and order situation, he said.
"The exact number of new polling booths was not known but where need be, the booths will be set up," he said.
Kaushik who visited the sensitive Naroda-Patia, spoke to the residents of the area and assured all possible steps to avoid any untoward incident on or before the elections. Bureau Report