Jakarta, Sept 16: Indonesian police have arrested 13 more people suspected of involvement in bombings across the country, national police chief General Da'i Bachtiar said according to a report today. The arrests were made following information gained from several of the 10 suspects detained over last month's car bombing at the J W Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Bachtiar was quoted as saying by the state Antara news agency.

He was speaking at a parliamentary hearing late yesterday.

Nine of the suspects were arrested in Jakarta, two in Lampung in southern Sumatra, and two in the central Java city of Solo.

National police spokesman inspector General Basyir Barmawi named the Jakarta suspects as: Ahmad Sofyan alias Tamin, Zaid, Rofi alias Solihin, Teten, Rachmat, Sukimin alias Babe, Zubair alias Lutfi, Farhan alias Syamsul Bahri and Muhaimin Yahya alias Siad.

Those arrested in solo were Ikhsan and Suradi alias Abu Usman alias Abu said while Ari Wibowo alias Mustofa and Awaluddin alias Abu Yasar alias Dani Sitorus were arrested in Lampung, Barmawi said.

National police detective chief Erwin Mappaseng told reporters earlier yesterday the 13 had held seven meetings in October 2002 and early 2003 to plan terror attacks, and to discuss the future of the families of fellow militants arrested for their roles in the October 12 Bali bombings.

Bureau Report