New Delhi, Oct 31: The government today ruled out any downward revision of the 12% export growth target set for this year and was confident that the RBI’s credit policy next week will address exporters’ concerns of an appreciating rupee and credit availability. There will be “no revision of the target” in the face of falling export growth during the last two months, outgoing commerce secretary Dipak Chatterjee said, adding, “We are keeping a watch and the downslide (on export growth) was not a cause for worry.”
The commerce ministry has brought to the notice of the Reserve Bank the exporters’ concerns of the appreciating rupee and the non-availability of credit and “we expect the RBI to address these concerns in the credit policy,” said Chatterjee, who quits his post after a 21-month stint on October 31, to takeover as chairman of a newly-constituted Competition Commission of India. Bureau Report