Police fired on a mob which set afire huts and vehicle in Surat and a press photographer escaped an attempt on his life as rioters defying curfew indulged in sporadic violence in curfew-bound Pandesara, Limbayat, Rander and Raghunathpura area of Surat.
Police firing on the mob at Pandasara industrial area left two injured, police sources said.
The mob set fire to autorickshawo in Sagarmpura and set some huts afire in sensitive Limbayat police station area Sunday evening, police and fire brigade sources said.
Police lobbed tear-gas shell in other sensitive localities of Vadifalia and Kadarsha-ni-Nal when mob pelted stones at them. Several photographers and scribes also faced the ire of the mob when they tried to take pictures of violence. A photographer of local daily "Sandesh" Raju Chinawala escaped an attempt on his life when some people tried to set him afire by sprinkling kerosene in Momanwada area as he tried to click at violence.
The union of city press photographers and jounrnalists, many of who were roughed up, have urged the city police commissioner V K Gupta to provide proper protection to them.
Bureau Report