Srinagar, Feb 11: The All-Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has alleged that the BJP was using the Kashmir issue with an eye on the coming Assembly elections. Reacting to the reports that the APHC had closed down its Delhi office, the former Hurriyat chairman, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, told The Hindu: "we did not close down our office. We were forced to do so, after the repression by the Government touched a new level". The activists of the VHP and the Bajrang Dal also raided our office and threatened our staff with dire consequences. This was a well-orchestrated plan by the Government, he said. The Mirwaiz accused the BJP of using Kashmir as an electoral plank "after its success in Gujarat". By taking an anti-Pakistan, anti-Kashmir stand, "they are now trying to repeat it (the Gujarat victory) in other States. But it will have dangerous repercussions.'' The Government "does not allow the Hurriyat to go ahead with its agenda of a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue''. The Mirwaiz said the Hurriyat was planning to open offices in more cities since it was a good experiment to interact with people. "We will consider reopening our office in Delhi if the situation allows us, but for the time being we will wait and watch". He denied allegations that the alliance was involved in funding and aiding militancy. "It is purely a political forum."
Passport suspension

Meanwhile, the Ministry of External Affairs has extended the suspension of passport of the Mirwaiz by another month in order to complete the formalities for its revocation. The Mirwaiz said: "Even as they talk about democracy they are