Houston, Texas, Oct 13: Astronauts from the US space shuttle Atlantis early today completed a second space walk outside the international space station to install a truss designed to expand the station`s rail system. Astronauts Piers Sellers and David Wolf concluded the walk 3:35 pm (0205 IST), after they affixed positioning devices, connected cooling system lines and removed launch restraints from a radiator that will be deployed later today, according to US space officials.
They also installed a camera system on the destiny laboratory module, said the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Atlantis pilot Pam Melroy coordinated the spacewalk, which continued for six hours and four minutes.
The truss was attached to the starboard end of the station early Thursday, during the their first spacewalk.
The crew of the shuttle and the station also spent some time yesterday, transferring supplies and equipment from atlantis to the station.
The truss will enable the station to begin the onboard expansion of its rail system in preparation for the addition of new power and international science modules to the space outpost in years to come, according to US space officials.
It contains a new internal cooling system for the station, a communications system that will enhance voice and data capability, a cart that will serve as a work platform for future spacewalkers, two external television cameras. Bureau Report