New Delhi, Apr 06: Criticising the Centre for adopting an "ambivalent" stand on the Iraq issue, two former prime ministers today warned that the US could soon turn its "attention" on India and Pakistan making the excuse that they possess nuclear weapons. "People are saying that after US imposes its rule on Iraq, it will be the turn of Syria and Iran. But the day may not be too far off when India and Pakistan are included in that list because they both have nuclear capability," former prime minister V P Singh said here. "US Secretary of State Colin Powell has already thrown a challenge to the Indian leadership by saying that they must resume talks with Pakistan. This sort of implied threat is very dangerous," former prime minister I K Gujral said. They were speaking at a 'shanti panchayat' (peace meeting) organised by Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) here to denounce the US-led "aggression" on Iraq. Singh said the "middle path" adopted by the Centre would be harmful to India's interests in the long run and it should unequivocally condemn the "unilateral" action of the US and its allies.
Making an oblique reference to India's troubled relations with Pakistan, Gujral said "in quarrels between neighbours, only outsiders benefit".
He said instead of doing anything to settle disputes with Pakistan, the NDA-led government had created "problems" with Bangladesh.

Bureau Report