Nishapur, Iran, Feb 20: Iranian mothers today sifted through charred bodies, shredded by the explosion of a runaway train that killed at least 320 people, trying to find enough of their loved ones for a fitting burial. Fifty-one wagons laden with petrol and fertiliser that had come adrift from their locomotive derailed yesterday in the North-East of Iran. The subsequent explosion engulfed a swarm of firefighters, local officials and curious bystanders who had dashed to the scene. The grim stench of unclaimed bodies pervaded the cemetery in nearby Nishapur, where limbless torsos and scraps of flesh scorched black by the blast were laid out today on plastic sheeting. The thunderous blast was felt 70 km away. It disintegrated mud brick houses nearby and forced many villagers to move into camps, the official Irna news agency reported. Through the night, revolutionary guards had maintained a one-km cordon around the disaster site, fearing three unexploded gasoline wagons could still blow up. But at dawn, with thin plumes of white smoke still rising from the wreckage, officials said the danger had passed. President Mohammad Khatami demanded a full inquiry as the dead were to be buried in Nishapur. Bureau Report