Film star Aishwarya Rai, has joined the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in pleading for an endangered black rhino. The beauty queen has written a letter to David Laylin, president of Speedtech Instruments, Virginia, asking him to refrain from selling his black rhino for use in canned hunting outside a ranch in Johannesburg. "I am writing... to ask you neither to sell Baixinha, an endagered rhino in South Africa, to a hunter so that she can be killed and have her head mounted on a wall nor hold her hostage for money," she said in her letter. "The slaughter of an animal so magnificient and rare would be a terrible tragedy. Making it even more tragic is the fact that Baixinha is tame. She has no fear of humans and even takes food from a child's hand. How horrible to contemplate betraying this gentle animal's misplaced trust in humans," the letter added.
Urging Laylin to reconsider his plan to sell Baixinha as a living target to be released and shot, Rai said, "Please agree to release Baixinha to a sanctuary where she can live the rest of her life in peace." Bureau Report