New Delhi: Friday, November 25, marked the 40th episode of Bigg Boss season 10. The inmates were in for a bit of drama and excitement, courtesy Om Swami.


The day kicked off with Bigg Boss asking Rohan Mehra to call out the names of four contestants who according to him, didn’t perform up to the mark in the luxury budget task.

The four names who made it to Rohan’s ‘weak performers’ list were Om Swami, Lopamudra Raut, Nitibha Kaul and Mona Lisa.

This apparently didn’t go down too well with Om Swami, who didn’t waste any time and lashed out at Rohan, calling him names and crediting Rohan’s captaincy to himself. He also refused to accept his punishment.

Soon after, Bigg Boss announced a task for the four inmates who Rohan thought had failed to perform during the luxury budget task. The inmates went outside to the garden area to find four cubicles lined side by side where the four inmates were meant to sit. Rohan, on the other hand, had to stand on a podium kept behind the cubical.

One hand of each contestant was tied to a rope and the free ends were handed to Rohan. As Bigg Boss gave out each punishment, Rohan was supposed to pull on the rope of the person he wanted should carry it out.

Rohan handed out one punishment that required the chosen contestant to eat two slabs of butter to Om Swami, who once again sees this as opportunity to indulge in name-calling and acting aggressive. The drama levels increase when punishments like going to jail and lying on a stretcher come into play.

Gradually, Rohan’s pattern of punishments cause Nitibha to get defensive as well, after she too credits Rohan’s captaincy to herself and reminds him about how she had helped him during Lopa and Manu’s secret task of stealing gold from his vault.

Om Swami’s cribbing gets worse and reaches a point where he begins to cast aspersions on Rohan’s family. The irritated contestants decide to alienate him and Bigg Boss decides to send him an invitation to the confession room.

Inside the confession room, Bigg Boss is heard telling Om Swami to control his behavior, which ultimately falls on deaf ears, since he doesn’t abide by the rules of the punishment given to him.

Already angry at Om Swami, Rahul Dev loses his cool again and drags Swami back on to the stretcher where he’s supposed to stay as a part of the punishment.

Soon after, Bigg Boss announces the end of their punishment.