Islamabad, Aug 03: Pakistan has claimed that it was not privy to the contents of the statement that alleged that funding for the 9/11 terrorist attacks has been traced to al-Qaeda accounts in Pakistan. "The contents of the statement have not been communicated to Pakistan by the US government," a senior Pakistani official said.
He said under the pre-9/11 international monetary transfer system, terrorist funding had moved from place to place and its trail had been traced to several countries, reported the country's official news agency. Since 2001, steps had been taken by the international community and the United Nations to choke terrorist financing, he claimed.
As part of its war on terrorism, Pakistan had frozen the assets and accounts of entities and individuals linked to terrorism in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, he added.
The issue had come up on Thursday when John S Pistole, deputy assistant director of the FBI's counter-terrorism division, while testifying before the US Senate Committee said that investigators traced the origin of the funding for the terror attacks to financial accounts in Pakistan. Bureau Report