Washington, Nov 07: International Monetary Fund has decided to revise the general data dissemination system (GDDS), which is designed to assist countries attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The executive board of IMF approved the amendment to give explicit recognition within the GDDS to the MDGs and the development of appropriate statistical monitoring systems.
The amendment in GDDS envisages that the guidance on the coverage, periodicity, and timeliness for the compilation and dissemination of socio-demographic data would be expanded to recognize explicitly the related MDGs indicators.
The guidance for the compilation and dissemination of labor market indicators will be included to encourage more disaggregation of data.
In September 2000 at the United Nations' Millennium Summit, world leaders agreed to a set of time bound and measurable goals (MDGs) for combating poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.
The subsequent world fora held under the auspices of the un completed and specified eight goals, 18 concrete goals and 48 indicators for their global implementation.
Placed at the heart of the global agenda, they are called the Millennium Development Goals.
Some examples of MDG indicators are infant mortality rate, net enrollment ratio in primary education, and the proportion of infants immunized against measles.
Bureau Report