Madrid, Mar 18: Spanish police have arrested 4 more suspects, believed to be of Moroccan origin, in last week's train bombings in Madrid, sources at the National Court said today. Three were arrested in Alcala de Henares, the town outside Madrid where 3 of the 4 trains bombed on Thursday originated, the sources said.
It was also in that town where police found a van with detonators and a cassette tape with verses from the Quran and a witness said he saw 3 men in ski masks carrying knapsacks toward the train station.
The fourth suspect was arrested in northern Spain, the sources said.
The March 11 train bombings killed 201 people and wounded more than 1,600. Five suspects arrested earlier in the week were scheduled to appear in court on Thursday, among them, 3 Moroccans including Jamal Zougam, who is considered the main suspect. Two Indians were also to appear in court. Bureau Report