Mumbai, Dec 04: The Special Investigating Team has summoned former Maharashtra Director General of Police Subhash Malhotra for questioning in the fake stamp paper scam. The summons were served on Malhotra yesterday and he is likely to appear either today or tomorrow, SIT sources said. Malhotra had given a clean chit to the then former Police Commissioner of Pune R S Sharma when he received the Subhodh Jaiswal committee report indicting Sharma for lapses in the probe. SIT is likely to seek Malhotra's explanation as to why he had given a clean chit when there were clear references of omission and commission committed by Sharma in his capacity as the Police Commissioner of Pune heading the probe. In view of allegations made by Additional Police Commissioner S M Mushriff, the state government had ordered a probe by Subhodh Kaiswal, DIG, SRPF Jaiswal submitted the report to DGP Malhotra who ultimately gave a clean chit to Sharma but took action against other officers.

Bureau Report