Bangalore, July 06: MicroCell Software India plans to invest $10 million in its operations in the country under its business plan for the next six months, a top company executive said on Saturday. The company would increase the employee strength from 30 to 200 across the country, launch phase two and three of its manufacturing facilities and start regional headquarters in Chennai, Pune and Delhi, MicroCell chairman Mahesh Gopalakrishna told reporters here.
MicroCell, whose parent company is based in the US, also planned to open consumer outlets in major metros and enter the competitively priced laptop market by coming out with a less than $1000 priced laptop for the Indian market, he said.

He said they would enter into R&D partnerships with reputed educational and research institutions.
As of now, the company has 50 customers in the country, including some defence organisations such as LRDE and DRDO, Gopalakrishna said. Bureau Report