New Delhi, Apr 19: Intensifying its campaign in the politically important state of Uttar Pradesh, Congress tonight dispatched over two dozen video vans for the state fully equipped with cassettes, videos and other propaganda material to expose BJP-led NDA government. Leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha Manmohan Singh flagged of these video vans from the AICC headquarters in the presence of other senior party leaders Ambika Soni, Moti Lal Vora, Salman Khurshid, Jairam Ramesh and Others. These vans, according to Ramesh would be visiting every nook and corner of the state and apprise the people about the policies and failure of the BJP-led NDA government and highlight achievements during the Congress regime. These vans, according to Ramesh would be visiting every nook and corner of the state and apprise the people about the policies and failure of the BJP-led NDA government and highlight achievements during the Congress regime. Bureau Report