New Delhi, Nov 30: Chief Election Commissioner J M Lyngdoh, who lays down office in February next, is of the view that "tricky politicians" keep on cheating and "the cheating is increasing everyday".
Observing that there was a need to change the system, Lyngdoh said "we need better people in power and it is upto the voters to insist on getting better people".
Replying to a question in an interview on Chhattisgarh government's controversial programme of distributing school bags with pictures of Chief Minister Ajit Jogi, the CEC said "tomorrow somebody will out do him (Jogi). These are all little tricks of politicians, irrespective of their political affiliations".
On the effectiveness of affidavits by candidates detailing criminal cases pending against them and assets, Lyngdoh said "let us see. It is too early to say whether it has any lasting effect. I hope it has. We hope at least it may trigger some public debate on the merit of candidates, people are beginning to debate”.
Bureau Report