London: Talk show host Oprah Winfrey is reportedly desperate to interview Caitlyn Jenner after missing out on her previous tell-all chat.


The ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star - who was previously known as Bruce Jenner - opted to share her plans to undergo gender transition with Diane Sawyer instead of the chat show queen earlier this year, reported Contactmusic.

"Oprah thought she was the natural choice to interview Bruce about his transition, so she was upset that he went with Diane Sawyer. Oprah would love to do a 'day in the life' segment, but ultimately she would agree to any terms Cait asked for," a source said.

It was recently revealed that Caitlyn's ex-wife Kris Jenner wants to share her side of the story because she is upset about how she was portrayed in her interview with Diane and in the Olympian's subsequent interview with Vanity Fair.