Moscow, Aug 21: Responsibility for security in Iraq "lies with the coalition forces" of the United States and Britain, a top Russian official said today, two days after a devastating bomb attack on UN Headquarters in Baghdad that left at least 24 dead. "Under UN Security Council resolution 1483, these (US-British) forces are obliged to maintain order in the country," Deputy Foreign Minister Yury Fedotov said. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan yesterday also stressed at a security council meeting that security in Iraq was "ultimately the responsibility" of the US-British forces as "occupying powers."

Fedotov noted that Russia "actively backed the Security Council statement on Iraq."
Russia "believes it is important both to condemn unconditionally the terrorist attacks against UN workers and to stress our determination to help the Iraqi people," he said, as quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency.

"The United Nations will carry out its mandate and its work in Iraq. This is above all in the interests of the Iraqi people," he said. Bureau Report