Jerusalem, Feb 03: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed today to form a new Israeli government if his coalition partners try to block his plan to evacuate almost all the Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip. Sharon's comments to Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper followed his announcement published yesterday of a settlement evacuation strategy, after which he won a confidence vote in parliament by just a single vote when hard-right allies staged a walkout.

''I will not hesitate to set up another government,'' he told Israel's largest daily. ''Not that I am rushing to take such a step, but I have no intention of being at the mercy of factions... That won't permit me to handle matters of state.''

A cabinet minister from the Rightist National Religious Party responded to the plan today with a threat to resign.

''We won't participate in this,'' housing minister Effi Eitam told Israel radio, speaking about Sharon's plan to evict Gaza settlers.

Bureau Report