A US congressional delegation discussed with Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef the extradition of international terrorist mastermind, Osama Bin Laden but failed to achieve any breakthrough.
Steps to end civil war in Afghanistan were also discussed when the three-member bipartisan team called on Zaeef in Islamabad on Tuesday night. “I told the team that the Islamic Emirate wants solution to the Osama issue through talks and in the light of Islamic principles,” Zaeef told the media after Tuesday night talks and added the Taliban authorities have floated many proposals to resolve the issue but none of them was acceptable to the US.
Zaeef told team led by chairman of the senate select committee on intelligence, senator bob graham, that his country had renewed its pledge not to allow any one to use Afghan soil against any one. The Taliban insists that bin laden who was accused of masterminding several bomb blasts in us missions abroad in 1998 and currently took refuge in Taliban controlled areas should be tried under Islamic principles of justice and not in a trial court in US.
Early this year the UN has imposed sanctions on Taliban regime, which is yet to be recognised by the international community other than Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE, for its refusal to hand over bin laden. Though US has not recognised the Taliban regime, it has been diplomatically engaging the fundmentalist militia since early this year. Bureau Report