Washington, Feb 29: The 30-million-dollar reward promised to the Iraqi informant who helped US forces find and kill deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's sons, Uday and Qusay, in July, has been paid in part, the State Department said on Saturday.
"The informant who gave us information on the whereabouts of Uday and Qusay Hussein has been paid the bulk of the reward within the last couple of days, and has control over payment of the balance of the reward," spokeswoman Joanne Moore said.
"The amount for each brother was 15 millions dollars," she said, adding that "the informant and his family have been relocated."
The informant's identity has not been revealed, but many Iraqis believe he is the owner of the Mosul home where the brothers had been hiding.
Saddam's sons were killed in a raid by US forces in the northern city of Mosul on July 22. Bureau Report