Moscow, Sept 16: Russia and the US now see the threat of Pakistani nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists as "no more purely theoretical" and have repeatedly discussed the issue, Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Trubnikov has said. "The threat of Pakistani nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists is no more purely theoretical due to presence of large number of extremist groups in Pakistan," Trubnikov told Moscow-based Indian journalists in an interview.
"We have a sub-group with the us, which has repeatedly discussed the threat of MDW, not only the nuclear weapons, falling into the hands of the terrorists," Trubnikov added.
He said this problem can be solved only through the United Nations and the Security Council, as well as by the global anti-terror coalition.
He reminded that Moscow has presented its draft of the UN convention for combating nuclear terrorism and New Delhi has proposed a global convention on combating the scourge.
"India and Russia could actively interact for the adoption of these conventions by the united nations to tackle this threat," Trubnikov said.
Bureau Report