Sydney, Apr 08: Maintaining his usual rhetoric that violence in the kashmir valley is not terrorism, President Pervez Musharraf has said the Kashmir issue should be resolved politically between India and Pakistan. "In Kashmir, there is a freedom struggle going on and the people of Pakistan are emotionally involved with it. This is a 50-year-old dispute and we better resolve it politically. We don't think any terrorism is going on there," he said in an interview last night. "Now if anybody is carrying out terrorism around the world, we certainly are against it and we would like to act against it. Jaish-e-muhammad is the one which is an extreme organisation and the leader is underground. We will get hold of him at any time, we are trying to look for him," he said without naming.
Jaish-e-muhammad was floated by Masood Azhar soon after his release by India to end the 1999 hijacking episode of an Indian Airlines plane to Kandahar.
When asked there seems to be a Pakistani link to every major terrorist organisation on earth like al-Qaeda, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Toiba, the president said, "This is the most serious issue confronting us. We have to remove the misperception from our western border that everything in Afghanistan is happening from our territory. So we need to operate against al-Qaeda."

Bureau Report