New Delhi: Bollywood's most talked about rumoured couple Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have earlier worked in films, where the audience has appreciated their on screen chemistry. Ever since it was announced that Anurag Basu's 'Jagga Jasoos' will star these two in the lead, anxiety levels reached a new high among cine buffs.


Now, according to reports, the release date for 'Jagga Jasoos' has been pushed further from May to October, 2015. Rumour mills have been working extra time to find out the reason behind this delay. It has been reported that the film schedule will be wrapped up only by March next year and then VFX part will need attention of the filmmaker.

Reports further suggest that the makers are now eyeing October 2, 2015 as the release date for their much-talked about project. No official confirmation has been made either by the filmmaker or by the actors as yet.