New Delhi: A while back, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took the social media by storm after posting the "first look" of Imtiaz Ali's upcoming release 'The Ring'. Within no time, the picture went viral on the Internet and became a hot topic.


"‘First Look’ of  Imtiaz Ali’s film, allegedly called The Ring. Not a horror film nor a love story…it’s a Ninja epic!" SRK tweeted along with the photo.

King Khan also made the audience believe that the movie is a 'Ninja epic' and not a love story. Obviously, it was a prank by the 50-year-old actor but, it escalated pretty quickly as people took his word blindly.

This compelled Shah Rukh to clear the air.

Also Read: Oh fresh! Shah Rukh Khan looks so cool in Imtiaz Ali's 'The Ring'—Check out PICS

He then posted, “the last tweet about the film is a joke. Clarifying for those who don’t get my drift & end up distorting stuff. It’s just cold in Budapest!”

Directed by Imtiaz Ali, 'The Ring' also stars actress Anushka Sharma, who made her Bollywood debut opposite Shah Rukh in the 2008 film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. 

This is their third film together after 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' and 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan'.

'The Ring' will be SRK's first collaboration with Ali. They had recently wrapped up the Prague and Amsterdam schedule of the shoot.