Los Angeles: Actor Vin Diesel says he was always attracted to an enchanted world with all the whimsical fancies, and is glad his quest to plunge into the fantastical zone came to an end with his forthcoming film “The Last Witch Hunter”.


“For many, many, many years, I have been looking for something in the fantasy space. But I had never done anything in the fantasy space. The idea of doing an action fantasy film was always appealing to me," Diesel, who has carved a place for himself as an action hero with films like “XXX” and “A Man Apart”, said in a statememt. 

“I had been dying to do something in the fantasy space for a long time and I actually used to play Dungeons and dragons for the longest time ever,” he added. 

Last seen on the big screen in “Furious 7”, Diesel will be seen in the role of Klauder, an 800-year-old immortal witch-hunter. 

In the film, Diesel is on the path to obliterate the world of witches and save humanity in the process.

Diesel sports a shaved brown mane and a long bushy beard in some part of the supernatural adventure drama. And the actor has a name for it - “barbarian”. 

“Its 'barbarian'. It’s the one time that my father wanted a picture with me. He said, 'You know, son, I never ask for a picture with you but I’ve got to have pictures taken right now'," the actor said. 

The movie is releasing on October 22 in India, a day before its international release.