Moscow, Oct 03: Russia is "not yet satisfied" with the revised US-sponsored draft of the UN Security Council resolution on Iraq and wants a greater role for the world community than envisaged by it, President Vladimir Putin said today. "We are not yet satisfied, however, they (US) have a desire to reach a compromise," Putin told the World Economic Forum's Russia session here. Putin underscored the need to give a greater role to the world community in Iraq dispensation and said any UNSC decision must ensure this. "The UN Security Council decision must give the international community greater possibility for taking part in the rebirth of Iraq," he said. To this effect, he said, "we hope to achieve serious progress in the reconstruction of the country." "The population of Iraq has more trust in its traditional partners, than in those who today controlled the situation," Putin was quoted as saying by state-run "Mayak" radio.
Putin conceded that the US-led coalition forces are striving to improve the situation and agreed with Washington that a ‘power vacuum’ cannot be allowed in Iraq, however, insisted on increasing UN control.
Bureau Report