New Delhi, Dec 25: After all the hype and hoopla and political squabble for credit, the people's verdict is here - a resounding "yes", the metro railway is all set to revolutionise the way Delhi commutes! Since day break, metro stations along the Shahdara-Tis Hazari section became the focal point of Christmas revellers as the service was thrown open to public today after a high-profile inauguration yesterday.
Thousands awaited their turn for a ride since early morning to get a feel of the long promised "dream-on-rails" and the first day show ran to packed bogies as the sleek and trendy coaches brimmed with curious passengers.
"We are all excited and eager to get a taste of the promised international experience. After all metro is the vehicle that ushers Delhi and its citizens into the future of commuting", the mood was summed up by Chandra Gupta, a doctor who brought along his family for a ride.

"The frequency of trains at present is every seven minutes and it will be reduced to three minutes once the first phase in completed" A R Sharma, Public Relation Officer at Shahdara station said.
The first day had its share of hitches as the staff were just acquainting themselves with nature of their duty and the public too looked confused as they were being introduced to the 'Metro Culture'.
The hi-tech environment with automatic fare collection system, heavy duty escalators, special elevators and automatic train doors disappointed and even scared many who had come from far-flung villages. Bureau Report