Jhabua (MP), Oct 26: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is set to undertake a fortnight-long whirlwind tour in Madhya Pradesh reportedly to mount an attack on his counterpart Digvijay Singh, who campaigned against him during Gujarat polls. BJP sources said here today that Modi has been asked to campaign for the party for 11 seats in Dhar and Jhabua districts, adjoining Gujarat, from the first week of November.
The move is seen as a retaliatory step against Digvijay Singh and 'to teach him a lesson” for his eleventh hour campaign against Modi in last year's Gujarat assembly polls, they said. Known for his hard-hitting speeches, Modi has been called to penetrate the Congress fortress in Jhabua and Dhar districts. According to BJP MLA Nirmala Bhuria, and district BJP vice-president Babulal Gamar, the Gujarat Chief Minister would be addressing more than a dozen public meetings in the two districts during the first two weeks of November. Bureau Report