Washington, June 07: A judge in Florida has ruled that a Muslim woman cannot wear a veil while being photographed for a driver's licence, agreeing with the authorities that the practice could help terrorists conceal their identities. Sultaana Freeman's right to free exercise of religion would not be infringed by having to show her face in her driver's licence, judge Janet Thorpe ruled yesterday. "The state has a compelling interest in protecting the public from criminal activities and security threats and having access to photo image identification is essential to promote that interest", Thorpe said. Freeman got a driver's licence in 2001 that showed her veiled with only her eyes showing through a slit. Following the September 11 terror attacks, the state demanded that she return to have her photo retaken with her face uncovered. She refused to do so which led to the state revoking her licence. Freeman sued the state of Florida stating that showing her face publicly was in violation of her Islamic beliefs.

Her lawyers argued that instead of a driver's photo, she could use other documents such as social security card or a birth certificate to prove her identity.

Assistant Attorney General Jason Vail, on the other hand, told the judge that Islamic law has exceptions that allow women to reveal their faces if it serves a public good.

Freeman, 35, was a convert to Islam. Her former name was Sandra Keller. She started wearing a veil in 1997. She had a mug shot taken without the veil after her arrest in Illinois in 1998 on a domestic battery charge involving one of twin 3-year-old sisters who were in her foster care.

Bureau Report