Siliguri, Feb 17: The 24-hour bandh sponsored by All-Gorkha Students' Union in three hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling district today evoked partial response and passed off peacefully barring the arrest of four Gorkha National Liberation Front supporters. The AGSU had called for the bandh in protest against the inadequate health and educational facilities in the hills and to demand revitalisation of cinchona plantation in Kalimpong.
The GNLF, which controls the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, had described the call for the bandh in Kurseong, Kalimpong and Darjeeling town in Darjeeling district as "irresponsible and unwise".
The GNLF supporters were arrested by police as they pelted stones at some shops closed in support of the bandh.
Superintendent of Police Sanjay Chander told a news agency that life was partially affected in Darjeeling as major business establishments and educational institutions remained closed and majority of private vehicles being off the roads.
While in Kurseong, life was near normal and the bandh left no impact in Kalimpong.
Work in tea gardens and cinchona plantation in the hills continued unaffected, Chander said. Bureau Report