Washington, May 23: The US Senate overwhelmingly approved a Pentagon funding package of $ 400.5 billion for the coming fiscal year, which would finance US military operations, help modernize its arsenal, and increase spending on homeland security. The vote on the 2004 defense authorization bill, was 98-1.

The annual spending bill also contains a provision to improve living conditions for men and women in uniform, for the fiscal year starting on October 1.

The Senate bill must now be reconciled with similar legislation wending its way through the House of Representatives.
A vote on the house bill, which differs only slightly from the Senate measure, was expected today. Votes in both chamebrs on final passage of the legislation were also expected today.

The lone "no" vote was cast by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who issued a scathing attack from the Senate floor yesterday lambasting an ever-expanding US military budget at a time when the United States unchallenged as the sole world superpower.

Both the House and Senate narrowly defeated amendments that would have allowed enlisted women seeking abortions to do so on military bases, although they would have been required to pay for the procedures out of their own pockets.

Bureau Report