Jammu, Nov 12: Opposition National Conference in Jammu and Kahmir is planning a protest demonstration on November 12 here against Mufti-Sayeed led coalition government here accusing the government of failing on all fronts.
"We are holding a mega protest demonstration-cum-rally in Jammu against the failure of the Mufti Sayeed led coaliton government on all the fronts, including security in J&K during its one year rule," provincial president, Kashmir, Mehboob Beigh told reporters here Sunday.
The rally would be led by the chief patrons of NC and former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah himself. NC president, Omar Abdullah will also take part in it, he said.
Besides, protest demonstrations, there would be a public meeting on Wednesday, he said and added that people and NC activists are scheduled to take part in the anti-government rally from farflung places.
Beigh said Mufti government has failed on all the fronts, particularly on security and militancy front.

"The situation is detoriating day by day," he said and added "due to increase in militancy and failure to give proper security, former legislators, Kukka Parray and Javid Shah were killed by militants".

"One year is gone, there was no job policy, no employment for the people, who had voted in favour of coaliton partners under this impression that NC was cause of miseries and Mufti could be ultimate solution to their problems," he said.

But now people are fed up with this government and want it to go, he said.

Bureau Report