Compaq Computer Asia Pacific announced substantial growth in its share of Asia Pacific direct internet PC shipments among computer manufacturers for the second quarter 2001.
According to International Data Corporation`s (IDC) Asia Pacific PC tracker quarterly report, Compaq`s market share grew 129 per cent from the second quarter of the previous year, a Compaq statement said. Worldwide IDC PC tracker figures showed that Compaq`s market share grew 70 per cent year over year, moving Compaq into second place in global internet direct sales, it said.
In India, the statement said, This trend is strongly reflected in the sales from Compaq India`s online PC store, Cooldukaan. Cooldukaan completed one year in October 2001 and has till date recorded pure b2c sales of over 1600 PCs amounting to Rs six crore in revenues making it one of the leading e-commerce sites in India.
This figure is in addition to Compaq`s b2b revenues. Cooldukaan is backed by a domestic centralised call centre, which is the first of its kind in India for PC sales, The statement said. Compaq India is headquartered in Bangalore.
Bureau Report