Chennai, Mar 29: PMK founder-leader S Ramadoss today said the AIADMK government in Tamil Nadu should not be allowed to continue for the rest of its term as it had been "misusing" Pota and "foisting" cases against opposition leaders. If the government is allowed to continue, the state will be converted into a "graveyard," he told reporters here. He was speaking after offering a glass of fruit juice to union minister of state and MDMK leader M Kannappan to end his day-long fast seeking immediate release of MDMK chief Vaiko and Tamil National Movement leader P Nedumaran who had been arrested under Pota for their alleged support to outlawed LTTE. Volunteers of DMK, MDMK, CPI, Puthiya Tamizhagam and MGR Kazhagam were on a day's fast in all district headquarters in the state.
Pota was being "misused" for political purposes in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. Centre should take steps to put an end to this, he said, adding AIADMK government was "foisting cases" against opposition political leaders.
On DMK leader M Karunanidhi's demand for the repeal of Pota, he said, "I am of the firm view that Pota should not be misused and Vaiko should be released immediately."
Bureau Report