Kabul, June 22: A bomb exploded near a US military base in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz minutes after a blast outside local government offices, the provincial governor said today. There were no casualties and little damage from the two explosions last night but US troops afterwards shot and wounded an Afghan driver who failed to stop for them, Kunduz governor Abdul Latif Ibrahimi said on phone from Kunduz city, 240 km north of Kabul.

"Last night (Saturday) at 9:15 pm one bomb exploded outside the governor's building and municipality building (which are opposite each other)," Ibrahimi said.

Fifteen minutes later a second bomb went off in front of the nearby constitution commission office close to a US military camp, he said.

Afghanistan is currently holding a nationwide public consultation on a new draft constitution for the war-ravaged country.

The governor said no one was killed or injured in either explosion as it was late and no one was working in the area.

Ibrahimi said the US camp and the constitution office were both targets of the bomb, which he described as the work of "the enemies of Afghanistan."

Similar attacks on foreign and government targets have been blamed on Taliban remnants and their al-Qaeda allies or extremists of rebel former premier Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who Washington regards as a wanted terrorist.

Right after the second blast a passing car failed to stop for US troops, who opened fire, wounding the driver, he said.

A second person in the car was arrested but later released when it was discovered they did not have any connection with the explosions.

Bureau Report