Having been disallowed from going Mecca for Haj, hardline senior Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani has approached Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to intervene citing religious freedom guaranteed in the Indian Constitution, which he never accepted. Geelani has written a letter to Vajpayee stating that performance of Haj pilgrimage was a religious duty and he could hardly think of deriving political mileage out of this purely religious obligation, sources said.
Powers seem to be politicising religious matters, right to which is guaranteed by the Constitution of India and Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which India is a signatory, the senior Jamaat-e-Islami leader said.
He, however, maintained that his views regarding Kashmir dispute are open and explicit but added that difference of opinion was very soul of democracy and it cannot and should not stand in way of operation of Fundamental Rights. These views on Kashmir may be subject of disagreement but I abide by the standpoint that unless the issue is addressed, peace in South Asia will remain elusive, he said.
I wish this (Kashmir) dispute is resolved for peaceful co-existence of the two nations, Geelani said.
Terming as unwarranted and unjustified denial of documents to him to visit Mecca for Haj even after meeting all norms and observing all formalities, he cited that the government has already allowed several separatist leaders to travel abroad for various purposes. Bureau Report