Uranium 238 and other material that could be used to make a radiological bomb has been found in an underground al-Qaeda base near the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar in south Afghanistan, the Daily Telegraph reported on Monday.
When anti-Taliban forces seized the base this month they found various kinds of dangerous materials stored in hundreds of drums, jars and metal cases in a tunnel complex, it said.

Kandahar regional security official Haji Gullalai was quoted as saying low-grade uranium 238 and cyanide were among the materials. The Telegraph said while Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terror group did not possess the technology to make a Hiroshima-type nuclear bomb, they could use the radioactive material to make a radiological or dirty bomb that could contaminate a large part of a city.
American sources quoted by the paper said that bin Laden could have procured the uranium in Russia, in a former Soviet Republic, in China or in Pakistan.
Bureau Report